• L o n g   L i f e   E c o n o m y   O f   c o u r s e   F o r   Y o u


    Launched solar products and heading with off grid and on grid installations.  Campus Selection conducted at KCT Business School.

    Weighing Solutions

    • 01

      Jewellery balances

      Our uncompromising focus on technical leadership has led us to offer wide collection of jewelry balances. Our collection of jewelry balances encompasses jewelry carat balance, touch balance, jewelry precision balance etc. These jewelry balances are known for their attributes of precise construction, accurate measurement, durability and simple operation.

    • cash_counting

      Cash counting Machines

      Leo Scales and Services ingenuity and dedication has worked with every type business to successfully process and manage its money. Our currency counting machines are reliable and consistent performance even for the notes with poor quality.

      Capitalizing on our experience and excellent reputation in the field of money handling, the machines are designed to continually provide the superior performance demanded and expected by every operator of the equipment.

    • lab_analytical

      Lab Balances/Analytical

      Laboratory balances for professional weighing. These ultra-microbalances, microbalances, analytical balances and precision balances excel in speed, accuracy and quality backed by years of experience.

    • Heavy Duty Platform Scales

      Heavy Duty Platform Scales

      The Heavy Duty Platform Scales provided by us are manufactured using premium quality materials which make it durable and strong. The advanced technology and unique construction of our Platform Scales have placed us among the premier Heavy Duty Platform Scales manufacturers and suppliers.

    • Printing Scale

      Printing Scale

      printing scales are full featured balances to meet the needs perfectly for packing, pharma and retail chain supermarket.

    • Purity analysersscale

      Purity analysers

      The Leo Scales Purity Analyser detects 20plus elements and are ideal form hallmark Centers jewellery rtail and assay & testing centers . Identifies prohibited elements IRIDIUM, RUTHENIUM, OSMIUM etc..

    • Weighing bridges

      Weigh bridges up to 100T

      Leo scales weighbridges weigh vehicles dependably and accurately, even in tough industrial environments. Each weighbridge is built to last with a rugged design, robust weight sensors and high quality manufacturing – all backed by industry-leading warranty options.


    contact us

    Leoscales always prefer best customer service and communication. For anything in Weighing, Automation, Solar Energy or LED solutions feel free to intimate us. We are reachable by mail or over phone for any of your requirement and services.


      Leo Building, Calicut Road, Angadipuram, Malappuram DT.
      Kerala - 679 321


      Ph : 04933 - 253494, 257241
      Mob: 9446001771, 9446066773
      Fax : 04933 258042



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