Established in the year, 1989, Sansui Electronics Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company, engaged in manufacturing, exporting and supplying extensive range of weighing scales and weighing systems. This range application in industries like cement, coal, chemical, engineering, food & pharmaceuticals, gyms and retail outlets.
These are used in Industrial applications like stores of a particular production line in an automobile Industry.
Based on the uniformity of weight of the each part to be counted and issued in quantities to a production line/assembly line , the parts can be counted on this scales and issued. Thus the tedious process of counting is quickly and very accurately done by these scales without any human errors.
Leoscales always prefer best customer service and communication. For anything in Weighing, Automation, Solar Energy or LED solutions feel free to intimate us. We are reachable by mail or over phone for any of your requirement and services.
Leo Building, Calicut Road, Angadipuram, Malappuram DT.
Kerala - 679 321
Ph : 04933 - 253494, 257241
Mob: 9446001771, 9446066773
Fax : 04933 258042
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